
Ireland Elopement Guide: How to Get Married in Ireland

Right off the top: I can’t tell you how excited I am to share this Ireland Elopement Guide with you. Ireland and elopements go together like ice cream and sprinkles, and here’s why:

*Updated for 2024/2025

  1. Breathtaking scenery (think Pride & Prejudice meets Lord of the Rings)
  2. A relaxed, friendly atmosphere
  3. Old world charm
  4. A hint of magic…

How to Elope in Ireland as an American

I live in the U.S. myself, but having been born in Ireland and made countless trips home, I’ve got a unique perspective that comes in handy. I was going to list all the helpful things I could think of for Americans here, but there’s just too much for one Ireland elopement guide. There’s now a whole separate article specifically for things Americans should know: click to learn more about eloping in Ireland as an American!

As a quick spoiler for the legalities: you can get legally married in Ireland, but the process is more complicated and restrictive (including where you can get married) than in the U.S. My strong recommendation is that you do the paperwork in the States, either before or after your trip, and then enjoy your elopement in Ireland without a care in the world.

Ireland elopement on the beach

When is the Best Time of Year for your Ireland Elopement?

Ireland, being a small island, is a fairly temperate place, climate-wise. The average annual temperature is between 9-10 C (48-50 F). Summer is the warmest season, obviously, followed by autumn, spring, and then winter. But at any time of the year, prepare yourself for rain. I’m not about to write an Ireland elopement guide without mentioning the rain, but I don’t want you to get hung up on it! I know that “Ireland” immediately means “rain” to a lot of people, but I promise it’s not as bad as you think.

In the summer months, luckily, if it does rain it’s often light, not a constant downpour that lasts all day. So mentally prepare yourself for that, bring a raincoat and some decent shoes, and get outside no matter what the weather throws at you. It’s always worth it.

My annual trips home are usually from late May through June, which is one of the warmer parts of the year. Springtime and early summer are perfect for an Ireland elopement. Everything is even more green and lush than it was before, and the sun has started peeking out. It may not be the very warmest time of year, but it’s actually one of the driest. (Big. Perk.)

For both the weather and the fact that I’ll already be in Ireland, I vote May or June for your Ireland elopement! That’s also early enough in the year that you should miss the biggest surge of summer tourists.

My other favourite time of year is September. Still warm, mostly dry, and can be late enough in the year that the tourism is dying down again.

If all you’ve heard about Ireland is that it rains a lot, that is technically true, but there’s so much more than that. And Dublin is warmer in the winter than Seattle, which has a similar oceanic climate. …Just saying.

Personally, I think the weather in Ireland is gorgeous. As someone who overheats and sunburns easily (…because of course), the ever-changing weather is a delight. And clouds and wind make for both an exhilarating time and gorgeous photos. Can’t recommend it enough.

The Best Places to Elope in Ireland

It’s tempting to just say “everywhere” and leave it at that.

It’s mostly true.

I don’t give out my secrets so that these places stay secret. Unless you’re a client of mine, in which case, I’m about to spend tens of hours finding the perfect location for you.

But broadly, here are some of the best outdoor places to elope in Ireland by city:

Best Places to Elope in Dublin

  1. This list is a trick
  2. Because really, you should go
  3. Away from the busiest area in the country
  4. And out toward Waterford or West Cork or Kerry or Donegal instead

Best Places to Elope in Cork

  1. Sheep’s Head
  2. Gougane Barra
  3. The Ring of Beara

Best Places to Elope in Galway

  1. The Cliffs of Moher
  2. The Aran Islands
  3. Croaghaun Sea Cliffs

Best Places to Elope in Donegal

  1. The beaches around Dunfanaghy
  2. Malin Beg + Slieve League Cliffs
  3. Mount Errigal

Ireland also has plenty of hotels and indoor locations for small weddings if that’s more your style! Scroll down to read more about the best places to stay in Ireland for your elopement.

Ireland Elopement Packages

Hello, my darlings, my name is Rachel (theyThem). I’m an elopement photographer, and the thought of running wild with you through the Irish countryside makes me giddy. Now that we’re out of lockdown and I can resume my yearly trips home to “recharge my bones,” as it were, I’m thrilled to be able to offer some fantastic Ireland elopement photography packages for you. You can learn more about who I am and what I do HERE.

Whether you’re all in on an Irish elopement or still on the fence, I’m here to talk it all through with you! I’m mostly available to photograph elopements in Ireland year-round. I take one, long trip home every year now, 4-6 weeks. I can be persuaded to make a second trip, but after that, the books are closed. You get the best deals during that annual trip window, anyway…

Whatever you dream up, I’m on board.

From a wee 5-hour day to a multi-day adventure, you can get married in the Old Country however you like. There are some example elopement timelines below to give you some ideas.

For more info and pricing, check out my Ireland Elopement Packages. You can contact me HERE, or you can email me directly at hello@solarroseco.com.

Example Ireland Elopement Days

What can your Irish elopement adventure look like?

I’ve often found that, wherever you’re getting married, it’s difficult to truly get the whole picture without seeing a timeline written down. And especially if you haven’t eloped before, you may not have a clear idea of what your day (or days…) can be.

It may surprise you to hear that most people book me for 7-9 whole hours. Sometimes 12 over two days. Not 1, not 2, but 12. Think about it: people who have big weddings get a full day, why don’t you?

For more on this, there’s an in-depth article about dreaming up your own perfect wedding day, and you can read it here: How to Plan the Perfect Timeline

Example Ireland Elopement Timeline (12 hours)

  • We meet at your cottage rental on the west coast, where you start your day together. You get dressed separately, then we hop in two different cars to head to a bluff overlooking the sea.
  • With the sun just risen, you see each other in your wedding outfits for the first time in the soft morning light.
  • We drive to the docks in Galway to catch a ferry. You spend the ferry crossing enjoying the scenery, having a bite to eat and some caffeine, and feeling the wind on your face.
  • The ferry arrives at Inis Mór, the largest of the Aran Islands. You explore around until you find the perfect spot.
  • You exchange vows and rings in your wedding ceremony.
  • We continue exploring the island, stopping for portraits and food.
  • The ferry departs Inis Mór for the Cliffs of Moher, which you get to see from the ocean.
  • After returning to Galway, you pick up fish and chips and enjoy dinner by the sea.

Example Ireland Elopement Timeline (7 hours)

  • We meet at your BnB on the south coast. You get ready together after enjoying a slow morning.
  • We head out to a coastal trail, hiking around the options we picked out ahead of time until you find the spot that feels right.
  • You share a hand-fasting ritual for your wedding ceremony with a castle ruin in the background, then have a picnic by the sea, reading letters from your loved ones.
  • You explore some more, taking portraits and dipping your toes in the sea.
  • We head to location #2, where you wander through ancient standing stones on the shore of a lake.
  • We end the night on the cliffs, enjoying a lingering, golden sunset over the ocean.

Example Ireland Elopement Timeline (5 hours)

  • We meet at the trailhead northwest of Galway, out on a peninsula. You start the 3.5-mile hike in your normal clothes, bringing your wedding attire with you.
  • We take portraits as we go, then about a mile in, you change into your wedding clothes at the top of a cliff with 360-degree views. There’s an old ruin behind you, a calm bay to your left, and a rugged coastline to your right.
  • You both step out on the point and see each other in your wedding clothes for the first time, wind whistling through your hair.
  • We continue hiking up to the top, where you’re greeted with even more stunning, mountainous views, the sea at your left.
  • You have your ceremony at the top, followed by a picnic taking in the views.
  • We head back down, enjoying the scenery as the sun slowly sets.
  • Back at the trailhead, we head down to the beach to take star photos by the ocean.
Ireland elopement with standing stones

Irish Wedding Traditions

When it comes to planning your elopement, one of the aspects for you to consider is the ceremony itself. Big wedding ceremonies have common scripts to follow, and you can follow them too, but maybe you’re looking for something else… And what Ireland Elopement Guide would be complete without Irish wedding traditions?

Whether you’re Irish yourself or just love the traditions, here’s a list that you can incorporate into your own elopement day:

Have a Hand-fasting Ceremony

The phrase “tying the knot” comes from the hand-fasting tradition, involving tying the couple’s hands together with rope, ribbon, or lace. You can personalize the ceremony by selecting specific colours for the cords, signifying different aspects of your relationship.

Incorporate Irish Music

I love live music at any wedding, but some traditional Irish music? In a magical place? Can’t beat that. Three of my favourite instruments for live Irish music are the fiddle, the harp, and the uilleann pipes. (Uilleann pipes are the Irish version of the bagpipes, pronounced “ill-en.” They’re quieter than the Scottish bagpipes and have a beautiful sound.)

Carry a Lace Handkerchief

Ireland has a long history with lace. Either or both or you can carry a lace handkerchief on your wedding day. Handkerchiefs can be embroidered with the date of the ceremony and/or your names or initials.

Put Sixpence in or Under Your Shoe

In the present day, I wouldn’t say that all Irish people are superstitious, but…we’re a little-stitious. There are all kinds of little traditions to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck, and this is one of them. You can either place the coin in your shoe or, in the more modern version: glue it to the bottom of your shoe.

Get a Claddagh Wedding Band

Claddagh (pronounced “kla-duh”) originally referred to a town near Galway. A Claddagh ring features a heart held by a pair of hands, symbolizing love and friendship, respectively. A crown perches on top of the heart, signifying loyalty. (Some Irish folks have been known to wear Claddagh rings without the crown as a form of protest against the British.)

According to tradition, Claddagh rings are worn on the right ring finger with the heart facing the wearer signifying that they are “spoken for,” or turned away from the wearer signifying that they are single or open. Claddaghs are worn as engagement rings on the ring finger of the left hand with the heart facing away from the wearer. During the wedding ceremony, the ring is turned around (or a new one is added if not used as an engagement ring) with the heart facing toward the wearer.

Ireland elopement at Mizen Head

What to Pack

All of my couples get a full packing list to make sure nothing is forgotten, but here are the basics when it comes to traveling in Ireland:

What to Wear for Most of Your Trip

Your wedding day isn’t the only day you’ll be in Ireland, so think about the rest of your trip and all the other adventures you’ll have.


As we discussed above with the weather, you should bring a raincoat. I don’t care what time of year it is, you need one. And Murphy’s Law states that if you bring one, you likely won’t need it. But if you forget it…? Rain every day.

I don’t make the rules.


You’ll need a good comfortable pair of shoes. They don’t have to be running shoes or hiking boots (unless you’re doing some serious hiking), but you’ll likely do a lot of walking. Not just on your elopement day, but every day. Ireland has decent public transportation but be prepared to spend a lot of time moving around.


Like most “variable” climates, my best recommendation for clothing is “layers.” Light layers will keep you comfortable through sun, wind, rain, and who knows what else. (Do not be surprised if you get all of the seasons in one day.)

And if you’re feeling optimistic, throw in a pair of shorts and a tank top. Who knows? You might get lucky.

The easiest way to be comfortable is to pack a collection of clothing items that go with each other. Rather than a full outfit for every day of the week, choose a few pairs of trousers, a collection of shirts, and a jacket or two that can be mixed and matched based on your mood and the weather.


One valuable thing to remember is a plug adapter. The outlets are different over there! Another thing to keep in mind is the U.S. runs on 120 current, and Ireland runs on 230. So even if you use an adapter, you can’t use things like your hairdryer unless they’re “dual voltage.” Lots of small appliances these days are, but make sure to check yours!

For my usual packing list, head over to the “How to Visit Ireland for Americans” article!

What to Wear for Your Ireland Elopement

Whether you’re going traditional with suits and white dresses or you’re into colours, kilts, two-piece outfits, or costume pieces (hello, Lord of the Rings), getting married outdoors comes with some considerations.


Whatever you choose to wear, pick something that makes you happy! Comfortable, happy people who feel good about what they’re wearing enjoy themselves more and look more relaxed in photos. Pretty sure it’s science.


If you’re spending any part of your elopement day outdoors, make sure that whatever you’re wearing allows for movement. I’m not talking about gymnastics moves or anything, as long as you don’t feel restricted.

If you’re into skirts or dresses, something with light fabric catches the wind nicely. Layers add a full effect and some warmth, and more simple pieces can add an air of elegance or whimsy. If it’s going to be chilly on your elopement day, I recommend nude-coloured leggings for an extra layer of warmth.


I say this for all elopements, but Ireland, in particular, has that mystical feel that makes it doubly true: feel free to accessorize with something you wouldn’t wear on a “normal” day. Do you want a sparkling hairpiece? Perfect. A crown? Yes, please. A hat or cape that you’ve been eyeing? Always. Put flowers in your hair, wear jewelry that you think is fun, go elegant, or pagan, or both. Whatever makes you smile: do that. The Irish landscape will take care of the rest.

Ireland elopement in West Cork

How to Travel With Wedding Clothes

For those of you not already living in Ireland, you’re going to have to travel with your wedding clothes! And for most of you, that means a flight. Or two.

No matter what you wear on your wedding day, my number one rule is to never ever put your wedding clothes or accessories in checked baggage. Carry-on only, my darlings. For something as special as your wedding day, the last thing you want is lost, delayed, or damaged luggage with your beautiful outfits inside.

Don’t risk it.

And a top tip I have for you is to call your airline and ask if you can tuck your garment bags into one of the wee closets on board! It’s not a guarantee, but for something like wedding attire, the airline may be totally willing to help you out.

If you’re going to fly with your outfit in carry-on luggage, here’s what I recommend for dresses and suits:

How to Fly with a Dress

With a more traditional dress, you’re going to want a garment bag. That will protect it and hopefully keep the wrinkles to a minimum. Carefully place your dress in the garment bag and remove the hanger. Lay the bag flat on the ground, then fold it in thirds, longways. So, fold in one side, then fold the other side on top. From the bottom, gently roll up, squeezing out the air as you go. Depending on how much “poof” and extra fabric your dress has, you should be able to fit this in a standard carry-on bag.

Although you may not be able to fit much else.

Some garment bags have handles on them, which I think is neat. You can fold your dress in thirds (top and bottom) and carry it like a poofy briefcase. That way you still have your carry-on luggage for other things like clothes and toiletries.

Hang up and steam your dress once you get to where you’re going. If wrinkles really bother you, pick a fabric that’s more forgiving, like lace.

How to Fly with a Suit

Suits are a wee bit more complicated to fold, so feel free to look up some YouTube videos! (Apologies in advance for the male-assuming language in most of them.)

The basics: fold your trousers in half, then roll them gently. Place your shirt right side down, then fold in the sides and sleeves. Fold in thirds or roll gently.

For a suit jacket: put your hands in the shoulders, bring them together, then reverse so the jacket is inside out. You can tuck the trousers into the shoulders and then fold them up gently. There are also some nice garment bag options that fold up small!

Hang up your suit once you get to where you’re going. Steam or iron if necessary.

Ireland elopement at Ladies View

Where to Eat

I can’t possibly list out every decent restaurant in Ireland, as enjoyable as that would be. For some regions, I have specific recommendations, but here are some basics:

The Irish Know Gluten-Free

This may not matter to you in the slightest, in which case scroll on, but for my celiac and gluten-intolerant friends out there, Ireland is an excellent place for you to eat! Celiac disease is particularly common in Ireland, compared to the rest of the world, so they know what they’re doing. One of the many reasons I love visiting is the chance to eat gluten-free bread of average size, not the tiny, sad slices you get in the U.S.! Keep an eye on labels, obviously, and double-check with restaurants, but you’ll likely have a much easier time than you would in the States.

Don’t Skip the Pubs

Irish pub food is a genre all its own and not one to be missed. If you’re looking for hearty comfort food, a great atmosphere, and a chance to hear live, traditional music, put the local pub(s) on your list.

Michelin Star Restaurants

…I know, right? Who would’ve thought? Ireland doesn’t have the same “foodie” reputation as some other countries in Europe, but if you’re looking for something fancy, there are Michelin Star Restaurants all over the place.

Try the Seafood

Ireland is an island, after all, and in many coastal cities and towns, you’ll find fresh, delicious seafood. I highly, highly recommend it.

Have Some Chocolate

For my American friends: you truly don’t know what you’re missing out on when it comes to chocolate. I would be remiss if I didn’t add this section, so get on that Cadbury’s train and try some Irish chocolate. The plain chocolate bars are great on their own. You can also try the classics (Flake, Yorkie, Mars, Twirl, etc.), and if you’re looking for something nostalgic from my childhood, try a “99,” which is a vanilla ice cream cone with a flake bar stuck in it like a wee, crumbly chimney.

Ask the Locals

When in doubt, ask the locals. They know where the good restaurants are. They may not always give away their secrets to tourists, but I’ve always found locals very happy to point me in the right direction.

Ireland elopement at the Cliffs of Kerry

Places to Stay for your Ireland Elopement

As with the food, I’ve got specifics for specific places, but these are my general tips:

Avoid Airbnb in the Cities

Like most places, services like Airbnb and VRBO haven’t been kind to locals in the big cities. Properties are being bought up as rentals, making it more difficult for locals to stay. I’ve had good luck with Airbnb in more rural areas if I can tell that the listing is for a cottage on a local’s land, or a guestroom added onto their house, or a Bed & Breakfast.

Look up Historic Hotels

I’m not usually a hotel human myself, but if I were on an elopement adventure…there are some rad hotels in Ireland. A lot of the buildings are old and full of history, and they’ve been lovingly restored to give you an incredible experience without roughing it. These are beautiful backdrops to your wedding day, too, both for getting ready and for your ceremony or dinner, if that’s what you’re into. There are some gorgeous hotels that cater to small weddings.

Stay with a Local

Staying with locals is always my preference. You can be fully immersed or tucked away in a private guest suite. There’s something for every preference. You can read all you want online, but no one knows a town in Ireland like the people who live there. Stay with them, talk to them, and learn from them. I guarantee your trip will be better for it.

Those are my best tips, distilled down into this Ireland Elopement Guide! If you have any questions, want to learn more, or you’re ready to talk about your very own Irish elopement, you can get in touch here or email me directly at hello@solarroseco.com.

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  1. […] Especially given the current state of travel, checking a bag is a risky business. Losing a bag can really disrupt your trip and leave you feeling unsettled, not to mention stressed and glued to any available wifi for news of your missing luggage. Now, if you’re traveling for a wedding, carry-on travel is possible but may not work out, depending on your outfits and the level of cooperation from your airline. For more on how to travel with wedding clothes, you can read my Ireland Elopement Guide. […]

  2. […] Ireland Elopement Guide […]

  3. […] Eloping in a foreign country can feel daunting, but I promise it’s easier than you think. I help my clients with all kinds of details, but if you’re looking for the best places to start, here you go. You can also find more on this in the “Ireland Elopement Guide.” […]

  4. […] Handfasting: a Celtic tradition involving binding the hands of the couple with ropes or ribbons. For more on Celtic wedding traditions, check out the Ireland elopement guide! […]

  5. […] practice entirely, I totally get it (hence the inclusion of this disclaimer in the first place). Ireland, Scotland, Norway, and Iceland all have semi-similar scenery (and are in the same part of the […]

  6. […] For more on how to elope in Ireland, read the ultimate Ireland elopement guide. […]

  7. […] you’re planning on eloping abroad, courthouse weddings are enormously practical. For those of you planning elopements in Ireland, for example: the paperwork situation over there is much more complicated than it is in the United […]

  8. […] in Ireland? Check out the Ireland Elopement Guide for Ireland-specific […]

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